• Liberty Hall Museum (map)
  • 1003 Morris Avenue
  • Union, NJ, 07083
  • United States

Click here for the 2018 Liberty Hall Dance Festival Program

Buggé Ballet and Liberty Hall Museum at Kean University join forces for the second Liberty Hall Dance Festival! Spend an afternoon walking along the beautiful museum grounds enjoying site-specific professional dance performances inspired by moments in history. Take a 1st floor tour of the Victorian-style mansion and participate in informal movement lessons as well! 

  • Program Time: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

  • Program Fee: $20.00 per adult, $15.00 per senior, $12.00 per child

  • Rain Date: Sunday, September 30

  • Reservations suggested: make your reservation here!

    Participating dance companies and choreographers include:
    Angel Kaba
    Armada Dance Company
    Bryce Dance Company
    Buggé Ballet
    Carolyn Dorfman Dance
    Cranford High School/Emily Donahue
    Dance Visions NY
    General Mischief Dance Theatre
    Heather Harrington/Academy for Performing Arts
    The Kennedy Dancers Repertory Company
    Luminarium Dance Company
    MoustacheCat Dance
    The Moving Architects
    Schoen Movement Company
    Yamini Kalluri

    This arts program is made possible in part by a HEART (History, Education, Arts Reaching Thousands) Grant from the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Liberty Hall Dance Festival is also supported, in part, by a UNITY Dance Organization Community Grant sponsored by Curtain Call.
    Thank you to our local business sponsors: Spire Group CPA & Tropicana Diner

"To say performing at Liberty Hall Dance Festival was a pleasure does not capture the wonders that the performers and visitors experienced during this amazing day of art and history. There was a sense of community and of art awareness and education, all done with the mutual core love of dance. I cannot wait to see where the dance festival goes from here." - 2017 performer Jai Mason

Check out reviews and interviews from the 2017 Liberty Hall Dance Festival here, here & here!
